Deeproot Plant Base

Plant Base is an A to Z encyclopedia of plants in the form of an easy to use software application, built around a powerful database.

Available for MS Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Android.

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Store plant information and pictures:

The application is installed entirely on your own computer. There is no dependency on an internet connection, so always available and under your control. It uses a true read/write database and all plant data is fully editable by the end-user. This distinguishing feature means that you can choose to use the information as supplied, or change any of the content, or perhaps add your own plants and photos.

Comes with a fully loaded database of thousands of plant records and pictures. Alternatively, specialist users may prefer to start with an empty database and then build their own selected plant information. You are free to customise the content to your specific needs, creating a uniquely personal plant reference resource.


Enables searching for plants by name and many other characteristics. Selection results or individual plant names can be saved in personal plant lists for later use.

Each plant is described by a large number of standard elements such as size and colour, accompanied by text notes and pictures. Plants may be searched by any of these as selection criteria. Plant records are alphabetically sequenced by botanical name (Latin, binomial), but can be located by their common name if preferred. There is also allowance for alternative names (synonyms).

Keep lists:

The ability to save personal plant lists is an essential feature. They have many uses, from simple lists that 'bookmark' interesting plants to producing planting design project schedules. Each list may be freely named and there is no limit to the number stored. Lists can be easily exported for use in an external program if required.


The application design is straightforward with a functional, no-nonsense approach to usability and considerable flexibility. There are no frills, but it is fast, simple to run and uses no unnecessary computer resources.

Equivalent editions are available for Windows and Mac, also Linux as a Beta release, plus an Android app for mobile devices. All editions use the same database files, which can be copied between any computer type.


more about Plant Base features ...

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