Plant Base is an evolving product and new releases are issued from time to time. Updating an existing installation to a new version is quite easy.
It is useful to understand that there are two major components to the application:
New releases will not always upgrade both parts, they can be "program only" or more unusually "data only".
When you make any changes to the plant information or make a plant list, that data is saved inside the database. So when updating the database part you need to take some steps to preserve you changes.
If you only use Plant Base for look-up purposes, have never made changes to plant data, nor created any plant lists, then things are really simple - just install the new release over the top of the existing version. You don't need anything else on this page!
Can be done by using the small "program only update" download file.
The much larger full product install file can also be used, but selecting "Program Only" at the Choose Components step of the Windows install dialogue or for Mac and Linux extract only the program part, ignoring the database files.
That's all - you're done!
A "data only" update is unusal, so this method would also be used for that. Even if your program version is already up to date, it's OK to re-install the same version but with the new data realease.
Your existing database files will be replaced by the those supplied in the set-up, so some extra steps are needed in order to preserve your personal data - Plant Lists, References, new or amended plant details and pictures. Don't panic - it's all pretty simple, just go step-by-step!
All done - you should now have a new program version, the latest supplied plant data and pictures, plus all your personally added data and lists.
Note: This describes Plant Base 2, the old version 1.x.x is the same but Extract = Archive. Updating from Plant Base 1 to 2 needs special action to convert the database format - see the link above.
Special note for users who have customised the language files: The program update replaces the standard supplied language files. If you used the same file name then please backup your amended copy before the update. Files with unique names will not be touched. If the internal language definitions have changed with a new version, there is a method to merge with your custom file (this is an advanced topic - contact us if needed).