Our popular Windows desktop Extra Keys and the similar Pro edition both have new versions – 2.2.2 and 2.2.4 respectively.

Two new key sets have been added, both in the Latin character range – Austronesian and Esperanto.  Austronesian covers a very wide range of indigenous languages spread across the the Pacific and the islands of Australasia. So it is now easy to correctly write words from Māori, other Polynesian languages and useful when transcribing words for example from the Australian Aṉangu such as Uluṟu and Kata Tjuṯa.  Esperanto is a bit unusual because it uses accented characters not common in other languages and also does not naturally fit in with any other grouping. So it has therefore been given its own very small key-set which might be handy for the many Esperantistoj around the world.

There are a few other minor program amendments plus of course one very significant change for Extra Key Pro in that it is now completely free to use.

Extra Keys Pro - Austronesian

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